By Lacie DeGough
Entrepreneurs: how could a $15,000 cash prize impact the trajectory of your business? Imagine a pitch competition specifically designed for small businesses in the 606 area code, offering monetary prizes with the goal of accelerating the growth of local enterprises. Now guess what—this program already exists! Get ready to learn more about Invest 606.
What is Invest 606?
Invest 606 is an Impact Investing Initiative of the Foundation for Appalachian Kentucky. This program is a 6-month flexible and entrepreneur-led business accelerator. Businesses and entrepreneurs headquartered in the 606 area code are eligible to apply, and finalists have the opportunity to receive coaching to help them prepare for the Final Pitch. At this event, each of the finalists pitch their business to the judges. The grand prize winner receives $15,000 in cash. The runner-up is awarded $8,500, and third place receives $4,500. This year, Invest 606 had 14 finalists representing 9 counties in Eastern Kentucky!
The 2024 Cohort
- Acres of Grace Farm
- Appalachian Apparel Co.
- Bluegrass Discovery Center (DBA London Children’s Museum)
- Firefly Hills RV and Glamping Park
- Hansen’s Harvest KY
- Jennielyn Boutique
- Mountain Gap Coffee Company
- Parsons Pastures
- Prodigy27 LLC DBA ProRes
- Ready Set Play
- Simply Kneaded Massage
- Sylvatica Forest Farm
- The Tipton Creative, LLC
- Tri-County Mystery Meets
The Competition
The 2024 Final Pitch took place on April 27th at The Pennington in Corbin, KY. Invest 606 founder, Geoff Marietta, kicked off the event with a short speech, followed by 8-minute pitches from each of the fourteen finalists. After each pitch, the panel of judges had the opportunity to ask the business owners questions about their businesses. Once all of the businesses had presented, the judges withdrew to decide on the first, second, and third place winners.
And the Winners Are…
In first place, winning the $15,000 grand prize, we have Acres of Grace Farm! Lisa and Amy Bourque, owners of the farm, produce fresh food, raise animals, and create baked goods with their farm-grown products. The farm is located in Clay County. Lisa and Amy are active in their community, selling their baked goods at local markets and events. They plan to use their prize money to build Cotton Patch Kitchen, a location used for hosting farm dinners and baking classes that help their local community connect, grow, and enjoy delicious farm-to-table meals! Through their baking classes, Acres of Grace Farm hopes to pass on southern cooking traditions to the next generation.
In second place is the Bluegrass Discovery Center (DBA London Children’s Museum)! Their cash prize totals $8,500. This business—operated by Maryann and James Hendrix—serves as a fun and interactive learning center in London, KY, with 11 different exhibit areas for children to learn, grow, and have fun. Bluegrass Discovery Center is involved in their community, partnering with local businesses to bring learning experiences and opportunities to the children that they serve. With their prize money, they hope to build an outdoor space with a playset that they can use as an area for children to eat their lunches on field trips, as well as a place to host outdoor camps.
The third place spot went to Ready Set Play, winning $4,500! This business, owned by Joey and Nikki Jones, is a toy store in Hazard, KY that offers gifts that you often can’t find in larger stores. Their children (or “Chief Toy Officers”), Christian and Cameron, choose which toys, games, and gadgets they think should be stocked in the store. Ready Set Play supports the Hazard community by offering local products in their store, as well as larger brand gifts. They will use their prize money to expand their store, building an area that they can use for in-store events and a space for their customers to interact.
What Now?
Congratulations to all of the winners! Be sure to support this year’s fourteen finalists by following them on social media, purchasing their products, or even just spreading the word about the work that they are doing to make Eastern Kentucky a better place! These amazing businesses are making a difference in their communities. We can’t wait to see where they all go from here!

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